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About Lunr Digital

Making web and graphic design services accessible to the neurodivergent community.

Helping you look amazing online and shine in your journey.
Neurodivergent Website Design Concept Art
My Story

About Me

Angelique Portrait Photo
Years of Experience
0 +
Projects Done
0 +

I always knew I was different...

I just didn’t know why.

That changed last year when I was diagnosed autistic at the age of 38. Finally, my life made sense. I made sense.

Working a 8/9-5 job has always been challenging. In 2017 I started a freelance web design business. It was great, but working with neurotypical business owners was stressful, especially when it came to having super formal in-person meetings and talking on the phone. Two very anxiety-provoking activities for me.

I felt like an imposter. Building and designing websites and brands is what I love to do. But I had the “target market” wrong all along.

The start of a new journey.

Being a neurodivergent freelancer and business owner can be quite the journey. And, finding services that truly get us, our quirks, and our unique ways of working is like searching for a needle in a haystack most of the time.

So, my goal and mission is to help out fellow neurodivergent entrepreneurs, creators, professionals, and anyone else in the same boat as us. It’s not just about finding your path; it’s about thriving on it. Let’s make our own rules and shine!

Who I Work With

Autistic, ADHD, and otherwise neurodivergent folk, as well as those businesses, creators, and providers who actively support us. I take on a limited number of clients at a time to ensure that I give your project the attention it deserves.

Lunr Digital



Trust is important. I believe in keeping it real, with honest and open communication all the way.


Community means everything – it's all about building connections, and creating a sense of belonging.


Always striving to deliver the best and highest quality service and experience possible.

Shine Bright

Showcase your unique talents and passions through stunning and functional websites and branding that reflects your personality and vision.